In versions below 1.1.9, WCFStorm can invoke a method (or run a test case) but it is unable to use the response as an input to another WCF method. With the support for IronPython scripting in version 1.1.9 this is now possible.
Suppose we have the scenario described below
1. A WCF Service (IService1) has a method called GetToken() which returns a string token.
public string GetToken() { returns "A string token"; }
2. Another WCF Service (IService2) has methods which expects a token as one of the parameters to its method.
public bool DoSomething(string token, int someValue)
//Do something
return true;
1. Invoke service1.GetToken() to retrieve the token
2. Pass the token to service2.DoSomething().
Scripting solution
import sys
import clr
import System.Xml
import System.Diagnostics
from System.Xml import XmlDocument
from System.Diagnostics import Stopwatch
class MySvc:
def __init__(self, url, contractName):
self.url = url
self.contractName = contractName
def InvokeMethod(self, methodName, xmlInput):
xmlResp = task.InvokeMethod(self.url, self.contractName , methodName, xmlInput)
return xmlResp
class MyTestWorkFlow:
"""this is the documentation for the test workflow"""
xmlInputGetToken = "\
xmlInputDoSOmething = "\
def Run(self):
svc1 = MySvc("http://localhost:57195/Service1.svc", "IService1")
svc2 = MySvc("http://localhost:57195/Service1.svc", "IService2")
print "Invoking GetToken...\n"
svc1Resp = svc1.InvokeMethod("GetToken", self.xmlInputGetToken)
print "Response is: " + svc1Resp
svc1Doc = XmlDocument()
token = svc1Doc.SelectSingleNode("/GetToken/MethodParameters/String").InnerText
print "token retrieved from IService1 is " + token
docDoSomething = XmlDocument()
docDoSomething .LoadXml(self.xmlInputDoSOmething)
#Use the token retrieved from svc1
docDoSomething .SelectSingleNode("/DoSomething/MethodParameters/token").InnerText = token
#invoke IService2 with token retrieved from IService1
print "Invoking DoSomething..."
print "Input is " + docDoSomething .OuterXml
doSomethingXmlResp = svc2.InvokeMethod("DoSomething", docDoSomething.OuterXml)
doSomethingXmlDoc = XmlDocument()
if doSomethingXmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/DoSomething/MethodParameters/Boolean").InnerText == "True":
print "token " + token + " is valid!"
print "invalid token"
#sys.exit("Oh no what happened??? You're estimate was arbitarily reduced again, right?")
test = MyTestWorkFlow()
#w = Stopwatch.StartNew()
#test = MyTestWorkFlow()
#for i in range(1,100):
# test.Run()
#print "\n\nTest Elapsed %f seconds" % w.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
After pressing F5 to execute the script, the output isExecuting script...
Script output
Executing script...
Invoking GetToken...
Response is: <GetToken> <MethodParameters> <String>a4324edc-94ba-4b23-907c-c6d8b6d5e1f5</String> </MethodParameters> </GetToken>
token retrieved from IService1 is a4324edc-94ba-4b23-907c-c6d8b6d5e1f5
Invoking DoSomething...
Input is <DoSomething><MethodParameters><token>a4324edc-94ba-4b23-907c-c6d8b6d5e1f5</token><someValue>42</someValue></MethodParameters></DoSomething>
token a4324edc-94ba-4b23-907c-c6d8b6d5e1f5 is valid!
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