Tresi supports 3 load strategies for doing a Load Test, Constant, Incrementing and Burst Load.
- Constant Load
- This strategy creates a fixed number of virtual users and repeatedly invokes the Hub method until the test duration is reached. This is used to simulate a "steady-state" scenario where there is a constant load on the SignalR Hub.
- Incrementing Load
- This strategy is used to gradually increase the number of virtual users until a certain (configurable) number of users is reached. Typically, this is used to find out at which point the will the performance of the SignalR Hub start to degrade.
- Burst Load
- This strategy is used to simulate sudden spikes or bursts of load on the Hub. Burst load testing is done to ensure that the SignalR hub is able to handle such sudden spikes in traffic.
To start a Constant Load Test follow the steps listed below
1. Add the signalR URL (See Getting Started)
2. Select the Hub Method that will be tested.
3. Click on the Load Test button in the toolbar. This will open up a load test tab
4. Select "Constant" Load
5. Configure the parameters for the load test
- Virtual Users
- number of simulated users
- Invoke Interval (msec)
- The interval at which the virtual users will call the Hub. For example if this is set to 1000 msec, *each* virtual user will call the Hub method every 1 second.
- Test Duration (sec)
- total duration of the test
6. Click Start.
The above steps are also shown in the below screnshot.

(click to enlarge)