

How to Install WcfStorm.REST

Steps to Install the Application

WcfStorm.Rest was designed to be easily portable from one machine to another (which is why there are no installers). So, to install the application all you need to do is,

  1. Download the latest release from http://www.wcfstorm.com/wcf/download-wcfstorm-rest.aspx (it's a zip file)
  2. Extract the downloaded zip into any folder.
  3. (OPTIONAL) Right click Wcfstorm.Rest.exe --> Send To --> Desktop (Create Shortcut)

Steps to Install a new License

After you've purchased and received your license file by email, you can install it by,

  1. Run WcfStorm.Rest.exe
  2. On the welcome screen, click on "License" (the one with the key icon) and navigate to the License file (License.WcfStormRest.lic)